Firewall settings

This is a guide to get interactive video with Legimeet working behind firewall.

About Legimeet

Legimeet is used for interactive video broadcasts, for example at digital general meetings or CEO interviews in connection with quarterly reports where participants must be able to ask questions with audio and or video.

Underlying technology

The video technology is with Legimeet’s supplier Twebcast AB ( The base software for this is developed by Agora ( in the open source protocol Web RTC (


Twebcast has an automated GDPR function and is security tested and internationally certified according to SOC 2 for the protection of personal data.


Use Chrome-based web browser for best result.

Shut down other video services such as Zoom, Teams, etc. that would like to have priority over the camera in your computer.


Domains involved in making the video conferencing tool work:


The dot (.) before the domain name indicates wildcard domains. That is, any subdomain can exist in front of the dot.

Ports when communicating over UDP

The majority of communication takes place over UDP. There is also a proxy function that tries to redirect the traffic if there are problems.

Communication usually takes place over these ports:
3478; as well as the range 4700 – 5000

Extended port range in case of problems

Add the following ports for UDP and TCP if the problem still persists. In normal conditions it is not needed.

443; 3433; 4700 - 5000; 5668; 5669; 6080; 6443; 8667; 9667

Live test of settings

To test the firewall settings, use this camera and microphone test.
The test shows the video image in its own channel, i.e. only the test person can participate or be seen.

Open the link, fill in name and accept terms. Click Register.
If the settings are correct, you will see your camera image. Select Settings in the top left menu to change camera, or to test or change microphone.